Get to Know - Tony Misiak

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Tony Misiak has been with Tsurumi Pump for almost 10 years, assuming the role of process equipment product manager in 2018. Based in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area, Misiak serves Tsurumi’s distributors and collaborates closely with sales representatives to ensure precise solutions are provided to each customer. Read on to learn more about his story.


Q: What duties does your job position entail?

I have been with Tsurumi since December 2015, serving as the process equipment product manager since 2018. My job is to educate distributors, partners and colleagues about the broad range of process equipment offered by Tsurumi. Our equipment is efficient, reliable and dependable; it’s designed to meet the needs of various sectors, such as wastewater treatment and handling, food and beverage processing facilities, among others.


Q: What does customer experience mean to you?

It’s important to understand your customer's perspective to deliver an excellent customer experience. With my background in distribution, I’m able to understand the needs of Tsurumi distributors when they contact me. We have a mutually beneficial relationship. I take pleasure in assisting our distributors and partners to provide their customers with the exact products and solutions they need, precisely when and where they need them.


Q: Do you have any hobbies outside of work?

I’m an avid outdoor enthusiast who loves hunting and fishing. I’m also a huge hockey fan, and my family shares the same passion. I have four daughters, all of whom have been involved in hockey. I am proud to share that my two youngest daughters have recently punched their ticket to the national playoffs with their respective teams. My oldest is a senior in college, while my youngest recently committed to playing college-level ACHA Division I hockey at Liberty University. It’s been an incredibly enjoyable journey for me, and I relish these moments!


Now that you know a bit about me, I look forward to meeting you in person at the Craft Brewers Conference in Las Vegas. Come learn more about Tsurumi’s smart solutions for breweries and related beverage operations. We hope to see you there!


Get To Know Tony Misiak by watching his video here.

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